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[SR4] City of Angels (GrimithR, englisch)

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    [Spielrunde] [SR4] City of Angels (GrimithR, englisch)

    Shadowrun 4th Edition "City of Angels" Campaign

    von GrimithR,
    geht über 130 Folgen, englischsprachig, aber gut verständlich.
    Und ein schönes Intro. Hat sich wirklich Mühe gegeben,
    die Spieler sind auch weitestgehend gut zu verstehen, ist ja leider nicht immer der Fall
    (Tücken der Technik, Atemgeräusche und ähnliches hat man freilich trotzdem).
    Gibt auf dem Kanal noch massig andere Videos (und Playlists), sind paar interessante dabei,
    aber hier Shadowrun:

    Veröffentlicht am 16.09.2013
    Another tabletop brought to you by the same crew who played VtM.
    We're playing Shadowrun 4th Edition... and, yes, before you even start to type the comment,
    I know about 5E. Sean wanted to play 4E. We agreed to play 4E. Deal with it, or get fucked.

    This is a semi-lucid introduction I wanted to record before I uploaded the first session video.
    That way, I wouldn't be tossing you all into the deep end of the pool.
    Whether you're familiar with the rules and setting, you're in good company.

    You have as much freedom to leave comments as you always have here,
    with the caveat that I have as much freedom to answer comments as I always have here.
    This is not the most complex system I've ever played, but some of its mechanics are complicated,
    and every system has an adjustment phase.
    We already have some experience playing together, though, so we don't need to overcome that hurdle again.

    I understand only a small section of my viewers enjoy tabletop games, let alone listening to someone play tabletop games.
    These videos combine two hobbies I enjoy, and as I do not find it inconvenient to record these moments, you will have the opportunity to watch them.
    Tabletop role-playing has been a part of my life since 1995, and it is a pleasure I will continue to enjoy.
    Some agree with me; many do not. *shrug* It's a thing.

    If you have basic questions about the game system or about the program in which I display these character sheets,
    Chummer, just use the search engines at your fingertips. They'll be far more helpful than either I or Sean.

    "What is Shadowrun?"

    Chummer Character Generator: ist die beste Quelle für alle Informationen die Sie suchen. Von allgemeinen Themen bis hin zu speziellen Sachverhalten, finden Sie auf alles. Wir hoffen, dass Sie hier das Gesuchte finden!

    "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
    Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

    Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
    solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
    einander zuzuhören...

    Art van Rheyn