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D&D 5E All's Quiet in Mhornar (Two-Shot, englisch, hangout)

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    [Spielrunde] D&D 5E All's Quiet in Mhornar (Two-Shot, englisch, hangout)

    Auch hier die Frage, welches Regelset, welche Kampagnenwelt etc.,
    mal abwarten, ob eine Rückmeldung kommt

    5th Edition, home-brew setting 
    D20 Plus1
    All's Quiet in Mhornar (Two-Shot)

    Live übertragen am 07.02.2015
    Mhornar was a thriving Dwarven kingdom nestled deep in the valley of shadows, until one day all contact and trade with the city suddenly ceased.

    Trade caravans were turned back by armed guards, men with dark green cloaks threatening any who dared enter the valley with a gruesome death.

    "There's been a plague, move along." The men would always say, repeating the same phrase verbatim whenever an inquiry was made.
    As the weeks passed, interest began to fade and the world began to accept the proclamations of plague as truth.

    It was around that time you got the letter. How and when this crinkled roll of parchment came into your possession you do not know, but eventually your curiosity got the better of you.

    Frantic, scribbled dwarven script written on the back of what appears to be a page from an old cookbook, it reads " We are Mhornar / We are alive / You must help us / You must tell no one. "

    As you ponder what to do next in the local tavern ("The Black Demon", which is surprisingly bright and cheery) you can't help but notice a few others in the crowded room, poring over old wrinkled cookbook pages...

    All's Quiet in Mhornar: Part II (Two-Shot)

    Live übertragen am 21.02.2015
    Our heroes delve into Deepstone Hold to stop a cult ritual.

    Zuletzt geändert von Trollchen; 24.03.2015, 16:31. Grund: Infos ergänzt
    "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
    Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

    Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
    solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
    einander zuzuhören...

    Art van Rheyn