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Wargaming and Warner Bros. present "Dunkirk"

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    Wargaming and Warner Bros. present "Dunkirk"

    Wargaming Europe
    Wargaming and Warner Bros. present "Dunkirk"

    Veröffentlicht am 06.06.2017
    In support of the upcoming epic action thriller Dunkirk, written and directed by Christopher Nolan, has partnered with Warner Bros. to remember the seminal World War II event that inspired the motion picture.
    Wargaming, the world leader in free-to-play online WWII video games with a base of 180 million registered players,
    continues to revere history's defining moments and the wartime vehicles that shaped their outcomes.

    The evacuation, known as the "Miracle of Dunkirk," took place from May 26th until June 4th, 1940,
    when hundreds of thousands of Allied soldiers were trapped by advancing German forces on the beaches of Dunkirk, France.
    As the battle raged around them, many were transported to safety by the combined efforts of both military and civilian vessels.
    The history of this massive mobilization and the hopeful, personal stories of those involved will unfold in the film Dunkirk.

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