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Cyberpunk 2077

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    Nerd Commando Game Studios
    Cyberpunk 2077: How To Increase Athletics

    Cyberpunk 2077: AFK Way Of Increasing Athletics

    "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
    Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

    Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
    solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
    einander zuzuhören...

    Art van Rheyn


      Cyberpunk 2077 Review: The Final Verdict

      Cyberpunk 2077 Review: The Final Verdict.
      In this Cyberpunk 2077 Review, we’ll be taking a look at the new open-world “RPG” from CD Projekt RED,
      that takes place in an 80’s inspired version of a dystopian future.
      Cyberpunk 2077 is based on the popular tabletop game Cyberpunk that was created by Mike Pondsmith in 1988,
      the newest version of which was released digitally in November of this year, though the physical version has been delayed.
      More Builds:
      Cyberpunk Guide Playlist:

      0:00 - Cyberpunk 2077 Review
      0:20 - Story and Setting
      2:41 - Gameplay
      7:09 - Audio and Visual
      9:24 - Replayability and Pricepoint
      10:29 - Final Thoughts

      Cyberpunk 2077 is a joyride into dystopian corporatism that encourages you to run a mile on a mercenary's boots and do as you please.
      Lack of meaningful choices and RPG elements limit gameplay thrills to its well-executed gun and swordplay,
      but those wanting a well-acted and good looking adventure will find themselves right at home.
      Story & Setting (7.5)
      Gameplay (8)
      Design, Audio & Visuals (9)
      Pricepoint (8)
      Replayability (8.5)
      Final Verdict - (8.2)

      Follow us on social media:
      "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
      Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

      Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
      solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
      einander zuzuhören...

      Art van Rheyn


        Nerd Commando Game Studios
        Cyberpunk 2077: CHAD Haxxor Build

        (CB) Cold Blood – (BR) Mass Vulnerability 1 – (BR) Mass Vulnerability 2 – (AT) Invincible 1 – (AT) Invincible 2 – (AT) Invincible 3 - (QH) Biosynergy 1 – (QH) Bloodware 1 – (QH) Bloodware 2 – (QH) Bloodware 3 – (AT) Like a Butterfly – (AT) Stronger Together – (BR) Mass Vulnerability: Resistances – (QH) Biosynergy 2 – (QH) Biosynergy 3 – (QH) Signal Support 1 – (QH) Signal Support 2 – (BR) Datamine Mastermind 1 – (BR) Datamine Mastermind 2 - (QH) Subliminal Message 1 – (QH) Subliminal Message 2 – (BR) Total Recall - (QH) School of Hard Hacks – (QH) Mnemonic – (QH) Hacker Overlord – (QH) Critical Error – (BR) Mass Vulnerability: Quickhacks - (BR) Totaller Recall - (QH) Anamnesis – (QH) Bartmoss' Legacy – (QH) Optimization – (QH) Master RAM Liberator – (QH) Diffusion – (QH) Plague 1 - (QH) Plague 2 - (QH) Plague 3 - (AT) Burn, Baby, Burn. (CB) – Cold Blood, (BR) – Breach Protocol, (QH) – Quickhacking, (AT) – Athletics, (AN) - Annihilation
        "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
        Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

        Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
        solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
        einander zuzuhören...

        Art van Rheyn


          Nerd Commando Game Studios
          Cyberpunk 2077 - Lonely Hitman Build

          (CB) Cold Blood – (AT) Invincible 1 – (AT) Invincible 2 – (AT) Invincible 3 – (BL) Slow and Steady 1 – (BL) Slow and Steady 2- (HA) Rio Bravo 1 - (HA) Rio Bravo 2 - (HA) Rio Bravo 3 – (AT) Divided Attention – (AT) Stronger Together – (AT) Transporter – (HA) Long Shot Drop Pop 1 – (HA) Long Shot Drop Pop 2 – (HA) O.K. Corral – (HA) Steady Hand – (HA) A Fistful of Eurodollars 1 - (HA) A Fistful of Eurodollars 2 – (HA) Wild West – (HA) Attritional Fire – (HA) Brainpower – (HA) The Good, The Bad and The Ugly – (AN) Momentum Shift 1 – (AN) Momentum Shift 2 – (AN) Momentum Shift 3 - (HA) High Noon 1 - (HA) High Noon 2 - (HA) High Noon 3 - (HA) Desperado 1 – (HA) Desperado 2 – (HA) Desperado 3. (CB) – Cold Blood, AT – Athletics, BL – Blades, HA – Handguns, AN – Annihilation
          "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
          Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

          Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
          solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
          einander zuzuhören...

          Art van Rheyn


            Nerd Commando Game Studios
            Cyberpunk 2077: Crafter Build

            (CB) Cold Blood 1 – (CR) Mechanic - (AN) In Your Face 1 – (AN) In Your Face 2 – (AT) Invincible 1 – (AT) Invincible 2 – (AT) Invincible 3 - (CR) True Craftsman – (EN) Mech Looter 1 – (EN) Mech Looter 2 – (EN) Mech Looter 3 – (CR) Grease Monkey – (CR) Ex Nihilo – (CR) - Cost Optimization 1 – (CR) Cost Optimization 2 – (CR) Waste Not Want Not – (CR) Tune-Up – (CR) Edgerunner Artisan – (EN) Superconductor – (EN) Jackpot – (CR) Cutting Edge – (EN) Revamp – (BL) Slow and Steady 1 – (BL) Slow and Steady 2 - (ST) Assassin - (CB) Cold Blood 2 - (CB) Cold Blood 3 – (CB) Critical Condition 1 – (CB) Critical Condition 2 - (CB) Frozen Precision - (CB) Defensive Clotting 1 – (CB) Defensive Clotting 2. CB – Cold Blood, CR – Crafting, AN – Annihilation, AT – Athletics, EN – Engineering, BL – Blades, ST - stealth.
            "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
            Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

            Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
            solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
            einander zuzuhören...

            Art van Rheyn


              Cyberpunk 2077 Builds: Smart Shooter (Submachine Gun) Character Guide Weapons Perks

              Cyberpunk 2077 Builds: Smart Shooter (Submachine Gun) Character Guide Weapons Perks

              In this Cyberpunk 2077 Build Guide I’ll be showing you my Smart Shooter Build which is a Build
              that uses the Smart technology of Cyberpunk 2077 to shred enemies without even having to aim.
              If you’re tired of dealing with cover and just want to run and gun, then you’ll definitely want to check out this Build.

              More Builds:
              Cyberpunk Guide Playlist:

              0:00 - Smart Shooter Build
              0:39 - Smart Shooter Attribute
              1:26 - Smart Shooteri Perks
              5:47 - Smart Shooter Equipment
              7:22 - Final Tips

              The Smart Shooter Build uses Smart Link Cyberware, as well as Smart Submachine Guns and Smart Assault Rifles
              to obliterate enemies while on the run, rarely if ever staying still.
              In fact this Build benefits from being on the move, so ideally you’d never stop moving.

              By equipping Smart Link Cyberware we can take advantage of the automatic targeting system of these Weapons
              that allows you to hip fire while constant running and gunning, without the need to slow down to aim.
              This Build plays a bit like Neo from the Matrix, as you can also slow down time.

              Smart Shooter Tips
              Using the Mass Vulnerability Daemon before you run into combat can help with harder areas of the game.
              It reduces enemy Physical Resistances, allowing you to deal more damage.
              Make sure you take this Perk if you’re having trouble, as you can get it right away.

              I like to use the Ping Quickhack for this Build because it reveals all nearby enemies.
              Your Smart Targeting only works on enemies that are outlined, and this outlines all of them in the immediate area.
              This will allow you to shoot them over cover without ever having seen them, which you would have to otherwise do.

              You will most assuredly have ammo issues with this Build and the easiest way to deal with this is by Crafting Ammo.
              You can just go into your Crafting Menu, look for the appropriate Ammo type and craft it using materials.
              You can make a ton at once so you don’t have to craft for awhile. It’s really easy to do!

              You could use other Smart Weapons for this Build besides Assault Rifles and SMGs,
              but you would have to invest points into their passives to make them as effective.
              Assault Rifles and Submachine Gunes share the same passives for the most part, so they make a natural choice.

              Lastly, if you’re having trouble finding a Smart weapon, you can usually find them at Vendors around the map.
              They are not super common though, so you may have to fast travel around a bit to find one.
              It took me about an hour to find a decent one once I started looking, but you may be luckier than me!
              "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
              Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

              Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
              solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
              einander zuzuhören...

              Art van Rheyn


                ULTIMATE Hacking Guide (How to Hack, Cyberdeck, Perks) in Cyberpunk 2077

                The Cyberpunk 2077 hacking minigame can be tedious when you're getting started with your campaign,
                but once you learn some beginner tips and tricks, it's much easier to approach.
                In this Ultimate hacking guide, we'll be discussing how to hack simplified, your cyberdeck, and go over some perks
                that will help out with your breach protocol as well as access point hacks.

                0:00 Intro
                1:06 How to Hack
                7:16 Cyberdeck Breakdown
                11:23 Breach Protocol & Hacking Perks
                "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
                Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

                Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
                solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
                einander zuzuhören...

                Art van Rheyn


                  Rocket Beans Gaming
                  Cyberpunk 2077: Zwischen Begeisterung & Katastrophe | Game Talk

                  CYBERPUNK 2077 ist für viele nicht das, was sie sich erhofft haben.
                  Schlimmer als das: Die Konsolenversionen sind auf der PLAYSTATION 4 und auf der XBOX ONE nahezu unspielbar,
                  was dazu führt, dass Käufer*innen ihr Spiel umtauschen wollen.
                  Als Pressemuster wurden ausschließlich PC-Versionen verschickt, sodass jeder erst am Release-Tag sehen konnte,
                  wie schlecht das Spiel auf den Konsolen läuft.

                  Hat das alles mit dem oftmals berichteten Missmanagement von CD PROJEKT zu tun oder war dieses Spiel vielleicht doch einfach zu ambitioniert?
                  Womit kann uns CYBERPUNK 2077 begeistern? Was funktioniert eher weniger gut?
                  Simon, Chris, Sandro und Micha setzen sich mit dem Spiel auseinander und geben euch Einblicke in ihre Erfahrungen mit CYBERPUNK 2077.
                  "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
                  Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

                  Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
                  solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
                  einander zuzuhören...

                  Art van Rheyn


                    Nerd Commando Game Studios
                    Cyberpunk 2077: Samurai Build

                    (CB) Cold Blood 1 – (CR) Mechanic – (BL) Roaring Waters 1 – (BL) Slow and Steady 1 – (BL) Slow and Steady 2 – (ST) Assassin –(CB) Cold Blood 2 – (CB) Critical Condition 1 – (CB) Cold Blood 3 - (CB) Critical Condition 2 - (CB) Defensive Clotting 1 – (CB) Defensive Clotting 2 – (BL) Flight of the Sparrow 1 – (CB) Frozen Precision – (CB) Coldest Blood – (CB) Predator 1 – (CB) Predator 2 – (CB) Cold and Calculating – (CB) Bloodswell – (CB) Coolagulant – (CB) Unbreakable – (ST) Hasty Retreat – (BL) Roaring Waters 2 - (BL) Roaring Waters 3 – (BL) Sting Like a Bee 1 – (BL) Sting Like a Bee 2 – (BL) Shifting Sands - (BL) Blessed Blade – (BL) Float Like a Butterfly 1 – (BL) Float Like a Butterfly 2 – (BL) Judge, Jury and Executioner 1 –(BL) Judge, Jury and Executioner 2 – (BL) Judge, Jury and Executioner 3 –(BL) Deathbolt – (BL) Fiery Blast 1 – (BL) Fiery Blast 2 – (BL) Dragon Strike - (ST) Cheat Death – (ST) Ninjutsu – (CB) Immunity – (CB) Merciless CB – Cold Blood, CR– Crafting, BL – Blades, ST - Stealth.
                    "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
                    Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

                    Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
                    solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
                    einander zuzuhören...

                    Art van Rheyn


                      Nerd Commando Game Studios
                      Cyberpunk 2077: Hammerer Build

                      (CR) Mechanic – (EN) Can't Touch This – (SB) Crushing Blows 1 - (BL) Slow and Steady 1 – (BL) Slow and Steady 2 – (SB) Efficient Blows 1 – (AT) Invincible 1 - (AT) Invincible 2 - (AT) Invincible 3 - (SB) Payback 1 – (SB) Payback 2 – (SB) Payback 3 – (CR) True Craftsman – (AT) Steel and Chrome 1 – (AT) Steel and Chrome 2 – (CR) Ex Nihilo – (CR) Grease Monkey – (CR) Cost Optimization 1 – (CR) Cost Optimization 2 – (CR) Waste Not Want Not – (СR) Transmutation - (CR) Edgerunner Artisan – (SB) Reinvigorate 1 – (AN) Momentum Shift 1 – (AN) Momentum Shift 2 – (AN) Momentum Shift 3 – (AN) Manic - (SB) Frenzy – (SB) Thrash - (SB) Crushing Blows 2 – (SB) Crushing Blows 3 – (SB) Guerilla. CR– Crafting, BL – Blades, SB – Street Brawler, AT – Athletics, EN – Engineering, AN – Annihilation.
                      "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
                      Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

                      Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
                      solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
                      einander zuzuhören...

                      Art van Rheyn


                        Cyberpunk 2077 Builds: Tech Engineer (Tech Weapons) Character Guide Weapons Perks

                        Cyberpunk 2077 Builds: Tech Engineer (Tech Weapons) Character Guide Weapons Perks

                        In this Cyberpunk 2077 Build Guide I’ll be showing you my Tech Engineer Build which is a Build
                        that uses Tech Weapons to their fullest, also allowing you to craft high quality equipment.
                        If you like the crafting system in Cyberpunk 2077, but don’t want to gimp your damage to be able to use it,
                        then you’ll want to check out this Build.

                        More Builds:
                        Cyberpunk Guide Playlist:

                        0:00 - Tech Engineer Build
                        0:50 - Tech Engineer Attribute
                        1:28 - Tech Engineer Perks
                        4:35 - Tech Engineer Equipment
                        6:41 - Final Tips

                        The Tech Engineer uses Tech Weapons to absolutely destroy enemies who hide behind cover.
                        Many Tech Weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 shoot through cover when charged up, and this Build takes advantage of this
                        by optimizing your damage when doing so. Additionally, there are many different weapon types that can do this,
                        so the Tech Engineer has a variety of Weapons they can use at any given time, without being un-optimized.

                        Tech Engineers can also craft and upgrade Weapons and Armor, which is something other Builds
                        will likely not be able to do unless they also use Tech Weapons specifically.
                        Crafting can make your life a lot easier in Cyberpunk 2077, and there are some amazing crafted weapons as well.
                        If you don’t want to miss out on this facet of the game, then you’ll definitely want to play this Build.

                        Tech Engineer Tips
                        One of the strange things about this Build is that you will spend most of your Attribute Points into Technical Ability early on,
                        but your Perk Points will mostly go into Assault because there are no really good Engineering Perks early on.
                        Don’t waste Perk Points! Take Assault Perks until you unlock the better Engineering and Crafting ones.

                        Learn when to charge your weapon and when not to. This can take some time to do, but it’s really important
                        because when you first begin playing with Tech Weapons your natural instinct is to charge with every shot
                        so that you do max damage, and a lot of times it’s overkill.
                        Get in the habit of charging your weapon when approaching an enemy in cover, and not charging it
                        until you know where your target is. Standing there moving slowly while holding charge can get you killed,
                        if you don’t know where to shoot, and early on you won’t be able to hold your charge indefinitely anyway.

                        Not all Tech Weapons handle the same way, so you’ll want to learn how to best use the Tech Weapons you have.
                        For instance, the Pistol can shoot through cover at much shorter range, so it doesn’t work well at medium ranges.
                        However, it’s absolutely devastating close up and fires wickedly fast.
                        Swap weapons depending on what is happening on the battlefield and don’t always just use one Weapon
                        if you can help it. Besides, it’s much more fun to mix it up.

                        Don’t forget to modify your Weapons so that they deal more damage, or have increased Critical Chance etc.
                        You will be able to craft mods much more easily than other Builds because of your investment into Tech Ability
                        and Crafting Perks, so take advantage of it. Always be on the look out for new mod schematics, so that you can make the Mods you need.

                        Lastly, this Build will not only require materials from deconstructing Weapons and Armor, but it will require money
                        to buy them and schematics as well, so make sure you loot, sell and disassemble everything you find.
                        Increase your Carrying Capacity as well if you need to with the Pack Mule Perk, since you’ll be hauling a lot of stuff!
                        "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
                        Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

                        Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
                        solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
                        einander zuzuhören...

                        Art van Rheyn


                          6 ABSOLUTE Best Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 (Attributes & Skills)

                          Cyberpunk 2077 has over 240 perks to choose from when making your builds:
                          netrunner, solo, brawler - whatever of the RPG classes you want to create.
                          With an open-ended skill tree, there is plenty of customization for character creation.
                          In this video, we're going to go through some of the absolute best perks you should be adding to ANY character
                          while also discussing some basic perk, skills, and attribute tips.

                          Hopefully this should help you when using grenades or trying a mantis blades build.
                          0:00 Intro & Summary
                          0:54 Perk Information
                          1:59 Pack Mule
                          3:08 Grenadier
                          4:00 Can't Touch This
                          4:57 Cold Blood
                          6:36 Crafting Perks
                          8:26 Biosynergy
                          10:19 Conclusion
                          "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
                          Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

                          Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
                          solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
                          einander zuzuhören...

                          Art van Rheyn


                            Nerd Commando Game Studios
                            Cyberpunk 2077: Sniper Guide

                            (CB) Cold Blood 1 — (AS) Covering Killshot 1 – (AS) Covering Killshot 2 – (AS) Executioner – (AS) Bullseye – (ST) Hidden Dragon - (ST) Silent and Deadly – (ST) Crouching Tiger – (ST) Strike from Shadows – (ST) Assassin – (ST) Sniper 1 – (ST) Sniper 2 – (CB) Frozen Precision – (ST) Ghost 1 – (ST) Ghost 2 – (ST) From the Shadows 1 – (ST) From the Shadows 2 – (ST) Commando – (AS) Duck Hunter 1 – (AS) Duck Hunter 2 - (AS) Shoot, Reload, Repeat 1 – (AS) Shoot, Reload, Repeat 2 - (AS) Nerves of Steel 1 – (AS) Nerves of Steel 2 – (AS) Hunter's Hands 1 – (AS) Hunter's Hands 2 – (AS) Named Bullets – (AS) Recoil Wrangler – (AS) Long Shot. CB – Cold Blood, AS – Assault, ST – Stealth.
                            "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
                            Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

                            Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
                            solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
                            einander zuzuhören...

                            Art van Rheyn


                              Shadowcasters Network
                              Why Cyberpunk Misses the Mark

                              The Shadowcasters Network crew talk about the cyberpunk genre, what it is getting wrong,
                              what it should be doing, and why it might be dead.
                              "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
                              Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

                              Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
                              solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
                              einander zuzuhören...

                              Art van Rheyn


                                Nerd Commando Game Studios
                                Cyberpunk 2077: Knife Thrower Guide

                                (CB) Cold Blood 1 — (CR) Mechanic – (ST) Assassin – (ST) Strike From Shadows – (ST) Dagger Dealer – (ST) Hidden Dragon – (ST) Crouching Tiger – (CR) True Craftsman – (ST) Sniper 1 – (ST) Sniper 2 – (ST) Cutthroat 1 – (ST) Cutthroat 2 – (BR)Big Sleep 1 – (EN) Bladerunner 1 – (EN) Bladerunner 2 – (CB) Frozen Precision – (ST) Clean Work – (ST) Ghost 1 – (ST) Ghost 2 – (ST) Venomous Fangs – (ST) Rattlesnake – (CB) Bloodswell - (ST) Neurotoxin – (ST) Hasten the Inevitable – (ST) Ninjutsu – (CR) Field Technician 1 – (CR) Field Technician 2 – (CR) Ex Nihilo – (CR) Grease Monkey – (CR) Cost Optimization 1 – (CR) Cost Optimization 2 – (CR) Waste Not Want Not – (CR) Tune-Up – (CR) Edgerunner Artisan – (CR) Cutting Edge. CB – Cold Blood, CR – Crafting, ST – Stealth, BR – Breach System, EN – Engineering.
                                "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
                                Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

                                Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
                                solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
                                einander zuzuhören...

                                Art van Rheyn

